are usually the hit of the Playroom so the types of hammocks get changed regularly to give the Playroom lots of variety, kids get to swing and climb all year long with hammocks, swings and monkey bars inside
we started with 5 ceiling hooks and a 7 layer hammock that the kids crawled through, now there are about 20 ceiling hooks so the possibilities are endless
glittering walls and flashlights are a great place for kids to have a little quiet time in a small space
kids have a sense of adventure when they crawl into the cave and explore how the rainbows dance on the walls
started when some kids wanted a spot they could climb up to and watch what was happening in the Playroom
now they can climb into a small space and peek out the spy holes to see what the other kids are up to
popping corks out of the holes to see how far they can go is also a fun activity
over a thousand balls for kids to fall into, hide in and feel the sensation of balls all over their body which will awaken or calm down their senses, depending on the child
we started with the balls in a blow up pool but you can't imagine how much time was spent cleaning up the balls, then we put the balls in a pop up tent and the kids crawled in and the tent was wiggled to feel like a thunderstorm
now the balls are in a big pit with a mattress at the bottom of the pit so it is a comfy place to be surrounded by colourful balls
teaches balance and coordination and the mental challenge of moving across the wall using a variety of hand and foot holds
Kids love to climb so using their natural curiosity the wall gives them a safe place and provides the extra challenge of using only certain colours to cross while avoiding other colours
is an amazing place to sink your hands into that calms some brains down and wakes up others
there have been many different materials over the past few years, the kids voted for what came next and they voted on corn, 110 pounds of it!
designed to give kids a quiet area to enjoy while relaxing in the bean bag chairs and having a light show of flashing lights, some twinkly lights or playing with objects on the light cube
the kids are in charge of the lights so they can explore what they like and set the best environment for themselves
board games are used all the time, there are over 400 games so we needed a place to put them all that did not take up valuable play space, what better place then to put them in the ceiling?
the kids will have to come and check out what else is in the Playroom, things are always changing!!!!!!!